Log in to the server every day for 90 days straight.
Big Bang
Survive 300 explosions.
The Popular One
Receive gifts from 50 unique players.
Run It
Unbox 10 Interstellar items from crates.
Unbox or open atleast 2,500 crates total.
Friends Along The Way
Obtain 15 different companions, service droids, or pets.
Careful Harvest
Rightfully eliminate 200 enemies while crouching.
Top Dog
Have the highest number of kills compared to others in 100 different Daily Contracts.
Power Struggle
Place third or higher in kills compared to others in 100 different Daily Contracts.
Playing It Safe
Play for 100 hours without being punished by staff.
Hot Lead Dailies
Complete 150 Daily Bounties.
To The Moon
Have atleast 1,000,000 credits in your posession.
Battle Angel
Heal your teammates for a total of 500,000 HP using any medic tool.
Aggressive Strategy
Rightfully eliminate 500 enemies while in mid-air or while on fire.
Monkey Mode
Righfully eliminate 500 enemies with both your Primary and your Secondary in the same life.
Anytime & Anywhere
Righfully eliminate 100 enemies while underwater.
Dark Humor
Rightfully kill 100 enemies after dying.
Get 100 rightful quad kills.
Oh Baby A Triple!
Get 150 rightful triple kills.
Double Killer
Get 200 rightful double kills.
Master Chef
Rightfully eliminate 200 enemies with any explosion.
Head Inspector
Rightfully eliminate 1,000 enemies with headshots.
Fate Holder
Rightfully eliminate 100 enemies using fall damage.
The Dark Side
Rightfully eliminate 500 enemies while below 25% health.
Gone Ham
Rightfully kill 15 enemies without dying 100 times.
Rightfully kill 10 enemies without dying 150 times.
Rightfully kill 5 enemies without dying 200 times.
Broad Side Of A Barn
Rightfully eliminate 500 enemies from far away.
Element of Surprise
Rightfully eliminate 500 enemies using any melee.
Rightfully eliminate 500 enemies using anything.
Clean Kills
Rightfully eliminate 1,000 enemies using anything.
Rightfully eliminate 2,500 enemies using anything.
Rightfully eliminate 5,000 enemies using anything.
Rightfully eliminate 20,000 enemies using anything.
Rightfully eliminate 50,000 enemies using anything.
Rightfully eliminate 100,000 enemies using anything.